Welcome to UUI!
What to Expect on Sunday
Sunday morning services are held in person and on Zoom. Check specific listings to determine if small group meetings are in-person, on Zoom, or both.
COVID Policy
The UUI Reopening Team has made an update to its safe gathering policy. For all future gatherings at UUI, including Sunday morning worship, UUI will be masking if the Indy metro area is in "high" or orange or “medium” or yellow status according to the new CDC community safety standards. Virtual services and offerings will continue unchanged.
If you are experiencing COVID symptoms we ask that you remain home on Sunday morning and enjoy our virtual offerings. If you think you may have been recently exposed, please wear a mask to UUI events. When in doubt, please wear a mask. If you have recently had COVID or tested positive for COVID, please follow CDC masking guidelines and quarantine protocols. Recognizing that no space can be perfectly risk free, let's work together to make UUI as safe a space as we can to gather in community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What should I wear?
A. Most people dress casually but everyone is encouraged to wear what makes them most comfortable.
Q: What if I'm late to the service?
A. That's ok! Our ushers will help you find a seat.
Q: Do children attend the service?
A: Families start off in the Service together at 11am and then children PS-4th Grade and 5th-6th Grade (all include homeschool/unschool equivalent), join their Religious Exploration Groups in the Social Hall after the Words for All Ages portion of the Service. Parents/Grandparents/Guardians are welcome to attend RE Group with their children if they would like.
The nursery is open from 10:30am - 12:30 pm on the lower level of the RE Building (red brick building) for infants - toddlers 2 years old. Families are also very welcome to keep their little ones in the Service with them if that's what they are most comfortable with!
Chestfeeding and breastfeeding parents are, of course, welcome in the Sanctuary!
Our 5th-6th Grade Youth, 7th-9th Grade Youth, and 10th-12th Grade Youth (all include homeschool/unschool equivalent), meet for various activities during this time. Watch for details in the weekly family newsletter or check in at the RE Table in the Social Hall for information each week.
All children and youth are invited to stop by the Religious Exploration Table in the Social Hall when they arrive at UUI before the service starts to check their mailbox. They’ve got mail!
Q: What size congregation is UUI?
A. We have approximately 269 members/friends and approximately 75 children and youth enrolled in our Religious Education Program.
We are located at 615 W. 43rd Street in Indianapolis, just minutes from the Butler University campus, in the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood.
Meeting House, Sanctuary and Social Hall
The Cottage
Religious Education Building
The beloved UUI Chalice artwork behind the podium was created by Dianna Thornton Miller. You can find out more about her work on their website.

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