Becoming a Member
To become a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis sign the Membership Book. Members pledge an annual financial contribution to help support the church.
Interested in becoming a member at UUI?
Please contact us at comms@uui.org for more information. We will help get you started on your path to membership!
Privileges of Membership:
Voting in congregational meetings (upon 90 days after becoming a member)
Serving in church leadership positions (Board, Leadership Fulfillment, etc.)
Representing UUI at Regional and General Assemblies
Having weddings, child dedications, and memorial services without building use or minister fee
Paying reduced fees for the rental of church facilities, plus one free rental per year
Free subscription to UU World quarterly magazine
Shared Responsibilities of Membership:
Participating in the life of the church by attending Sunday morning worship services
Supporting the church financially with a spirit of generosity
Volunteering your time and talent to support the mission of the church
Attending congregational meetings and voting
Encouraging one another in our individual and collective spiritual growth through classes, small groups, and personal spiritual practices
Sharing your ideas, enthusiasm, passions, and dreams for our collective future
Access Your Member Account
To access your UUI member account login click here: https://uui.breezechms.com/
UUI members use their accounts to maintain their contact information, to view their pledging and financial data, and to set-up electronic payments. Members can use their account to access the member directory, indicate interest in different areas and activities in the life of the church, and manage online giving. UUI leaders use their account to organize and communicate with their teams.
If you would like help setting up your UUI member account, please email office@uui.org.

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