UUI Staff
Rev. Dawn Cooley (she/her)
Rev. Dawn believes that Unitarian Universalists are called to "Love the Hell Out of the World" and tries to practice this on a regular basis. She is passionate about helping congregations adapt to the changing cultural religious landscape through her work as an interim minister.
Having grown up in the Washington, DC area, Rev. Dawn has spent the last 25 years in the midwest, serving congregations in Minnesota, Iowa, Kentucky, Illinois, and now Indiana. She will be UUI's interim minister until July 2026.
Sarah Cannon
Director of Religious Education
Sarah began volunteering in UU religious education many years ago, and found youth to be the driving force behind the best impulses of our denomination. To Sarah, Unitarian Universalism is a faith that balances head and heart. She brings this approach to RE, advocating for child and youth empowerment, facilitating creative, curious, justice-loving communities of every age and stage, and fostering strong relationships between the children, youth, and adults of UU congregations. (Youth work also means that she sleeps on a lot of church floors!) Sarah is a Credentialed Religious Educator - Advanced Level, and is trained on all levels of the Our Whole Lives program. She graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Education, and has worked with all ages across subject areas, including special education and ESL. Sarah lives in Irvington with her husband, their dog, two cats, and some chickens. In her free time, she gardens, knits, games, and spends time with her three young adult children and their wonderful network of partners and friends.
Mara Haium-White (they/she)
Congregational Administrator
After working for many years in the IT field, Mara felt a continuous call to transition to Ministry. Mara went back to school and enrolled in the Urban Ministries program at Martin University, which eventually ended due to budget cuts. This prompted Mara to identify and utilize her existing skills in administration roles with local churches. Mara has a deep desire to help others and values being able to serve a community that is accepting and encouraging, prioritizes Love, and actively strives to make the world a better place for everyone. Mara is a Serious Baking Enthusiast and delights in language, food science and singing. Mara loves to play games of all kinds, obsesses over a variety of fiber crafts, and her favorite color is deep, dark red. Mara feels deeply connected to all animals and loves trees, grey rainy days, starlit nights, the soft blanket of falling snow and the cackling laughter of her kid.
Linda Parr
Music Director
Tim Bryant
Facilities Management
Rev. Dorian Condre (he/they)
Communication & Events Coordinator
Dorian Condre strives to create space that is safe, brave, and hope-filled. Dorian has a wide experience within ministry, from dinner church to traditional church. Dorian graduated from Brite Divinity School with a Master’s of Divinity and Franklin College with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Religious Studies. As an ordained minister in the Disciples of Christ, Dorian’s faith is rooted in justice, hope, and ecumenical and interfaith work. Dorian approaches communications from a ministry mindset where every email, every social media post, connects us more to each other. There is a digital world out there longing for meaning and UUI can help shape some of that meaning!
Dorian lives in Speedway with his husband and two cats. Outside of work, they can be found going to movies, live shows, and spending time with friends. Dorian enjoys time with family, both blood and chosen.

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