Volunteer Center
Caring Team Expanding - Team Leads Needed
The UUI Caring Team is expanding and restructuring to better support our congregation. Teams are being formed (Listed below) with a Lead needed for each team. For more information please email, caring@uui.org
Joys & Sorrows Team
Meal Train Team
Rides Team
Memorial Service Team
Equipment Team
RE Summer Programs Volunteers Needed
Are you a background checked RE volunteer? We need grownups to join in the fun of our summer programs!
Elementary: Shipwrecked!
There has been a shipwreck on the coast nearby! How do we welcome new people into our UU community? And how can Jetpig help?
Middle School: Desert Island
We’ve washed up on a desert island for the summer...we’ll have some well-deserved fun after Coming of Age, and build a covenantal community to support us through middle school and beyond.
High School: UU Heritage
We’re continuing to dig into our UU Heritage, catching up on some service project ideas, and getting together for some social events, too!
If you don't already see an invitation to the summer schedule in your inbox, reach out to Sarah and she'll connect you! Our RE programs need you in order to flourish, so sign up now!
We're looking for folks who are excited about OWL!
You might know about Our Whole Lives, the sexual health and wellness curriculum that UUI members and friends rave about...but you might not realize how many levels there are, including K-1, 4th-6th, 7th-9th, 10th-12th, Young Adult, Adult, and Older Adult!
OWL really is a lifespan curriculum, designed to support us through every age and stage. And that means we need a planning/steering committee that includes people who are invested in all of those age levels. This is a great way to support OWL if you're not available to facilitate right now. Reach out to Sarah Cannon or kate stephens to express interest!
Our Littlest UUs Need YOU!
Every Sunday, we open our nursery from 10:30am to 12:30pm to provide a safe, cozy place for infants and toddlers to be while parents and guardians attend to their own spiritual care and well-being. The nursery is also often a first point of contact for visiting families! Cuddling our babies is important lay ministry, and it's a great spiritual practice, too! Consider volunteering in the nursery at a regular interval, like once a month or once every six weeks! Reach out to sarah@uui.org to be added to our list.
Zoom Hosts
UUI is looking for Zoom Hosts in order to continue offering Online Coffee Hour on Sundays after the service. Hosts must be comfortable using zoom. Contact Rev. Dawn if you are interested.
Sunday Sliders Needed
Ask yourself, are the slides shown during our service useful? In the sanctuary, having slides reduces our bulletin printing costs and puts attendee’s faces forward instead of down. The online experience of our service would be less meaningful without access to the words for hymns and the covenant that slides give us. Plus, our Words for All Ages can have pictures to enhance our experience when we have slides. So, yes, having slides is useful, and likely important, for having a quality service experience. Unfortunately, slides don’t make themselves. It takes people to do this. We need three people, will take approximately 3 hours a month per person, to share this role so that the Sunday slides will be there for us all. See description of role in “Slack #volunteer-needs.” Or contact Nan Schulte by emailing with subject line “Sunday Sliders” to comms@uui.org.
Coffee Hour
We're in need of your help with Coffee Hour! We have many openings the rest of the summer. You can review openings and sign up online here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4AADAC2EA0FBC07-uuicoffee
We need 1-2 volunteers per date, and ask that volunteers arrive at 10:30am on Sunday for setup, attend service as usual, then clean up by 1:00pm. Duties include brewing coffee, setting out supplies, and cleaning up. Clear and easy-to-follow instructions are provided.
Reach out to Shelby Ervin and Sandra Wills with any questions at comms@uui.org!
Ushers Needed
The UUI Usher team is in need of one or two more people to serve as ushers. This is an easy way to serve the church and normally only requires serving one Sunday per month. If you are interested please contact David Culp at 317-250-0258 or comms@uui.org.

If you would like to receive information about our upcoming church events at UUI, sign up for our eBlast newsletter!