UUI Programs
To contact a group, please email comms@uui.org with the name of the group you would like to connect with.
Groups, Committees and Activities at UUI
Being a part of the UUI choir is a fun way to share your talents. No experience necessary! New members are always welcome! Rehearsals are two Wednesday nights per month at 7pm. Performances occur during service once per month. For questions or to join, contact UUI Music Director, Linda Parr, at linda@uui.org!
The Fine Arts Committee determines the aesthetic standards for UUI. The members of the FAC are artists, art teachers, designers, and others with experience in the arts.
The Fine Arts Committee is a part of the Sunday Coordination Group and is responsible for fine arts programs including visual arts, drama, music, and dance. We procure and install temporary and permanent art displays and exhibits. We create additional art events, such as artist openings, workshops, art fairs, and Souls and Spirits lll, provide Sunday floral arrangements and care for the plants in the sanctuary. Each year, the FAC works in conjunction with the Music Committee to create the Arty Bash. We also cooperate with and participate in projects of other UUI groups, including the Photo Group and Knitters. Contact: Wendy Dougherty.
The women identifying people of UUI and their friends are invited to meet for lunch. In-person gatherings occur 2nd Wednesdays at a local restaurant suggested by group members. Contact: Sharon Chrust.
The Men's Group meets each Tuesday afternoon at 2pm on the UUI grounds. There is no agenda and no assigned topic, but interesting conversation always emerges. The group is currently meeting on the lawn under the big tree between the cottage and the solar panels. Bring your own lawn chair. Rain or shine, bring an umbrella if necessary. Contact: Lowell McCoskey.
Take a mid-morning break to refresh and recenter yourself, each weekday at 10am. Join in for a 20-25 minute meditation followed by a time for check-in. Meditations are offered by group members on a rotating schedule.
The UUI Photo Group meets the 4th Mondays at 7pm on Zoom. The members of the UUI Photo Group do more than share photos. Comradery and good humor prevail at the meetings (even when the meeting is virtual!). Questions about photography are asked and answered. All are welcome! Contact: Wendy Dougherty or Sharon Chrust.
If you are a practitioner of Tarot, a dabbler, or just curious about what it's about, you are invited to a virtual gathering of UUI Tarot enthusiasts to talk decks, share experiences, and learn together. Check the calendar for upcoming events. Contact: Tarot Group Host, pagancollective@uui.org.
The Pet Grief Support group meets 1St Mondays 7pm on Zoom. Please join us if you would like to share stories about your pets who have died or been lost in any way. Sharing stories helps to ease the grief we all feel when a beloved family member is lost. Facilitated by Joni Wamer, UUI Pet Chaplain.

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