Religious Education for Adults
Take a bite out of UUI’s 2024-25 Adult RE Programs!
Planned and coordinated by the UUI Adult RE Council. Programs are starting now and most will continue through the church year. Others will start at later dates. Questions: contact the listed facilitator or adultre@uui.org.
CREDO Forum (in person, Zoom option if there is interest)
The Credo Forum is returning! For more than a decade before the pandemic, this open discussion group met every month before church. Starting on September 15, and continuing every third Sunday, the Credo Forum will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Cottage Library. Each month we will discuss a topic related to Unitarian Universalism, although these wide-open discussions have been known to stray far afield. Come join us this fall. Everyone is welcome!
Chalice Circles (in person and Zoom)
Want to get to know more UUI members in a deeper way? Chalice Circles are small groups of 6-10 who commit to meet together regularly for personal sharing and deep listening on a variety of meaningful topics. Meeting topics vary, but in past years have included things like finding joy, life transitions, aging, spirituality, and creativity. Participants report they are able to build deeper connections with other UUI members while doing useful personal reflection in a supportive space. Chalice Circles covenant to meet together for 10 sessions (roughly twice a month), beginning in mid-October and ending in late March. This year there will also be a group that begins meeting in January.
Adult OWL (Our Whole Lives) (in person)
Using values, communication skills and spirituality as starting points, OWL (Our Whole Lives) explores sexuality issues for adults of all ages. Builds understanding of healthy sexual relationships, affirms diversity and helps participants accept and affirm their own sexuality throughout their lives. This course will be offered in the spring of this church year and will be facilitated by trained UUI facilitators.
Taste of Theology (in person)
Formerly called Pub Theology and Virtual Theology, this group meets once a month for dinner at a restaurant, for community and topical discussion. These will be “one and done” conversations on third Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., so there are no expectations that you show up every time, although feel free to! We had a very big response to restart this program, so we will have sign-up for at least the first few sessions to be sure that we reserve adequate space at a restaurant.
Transgender Inclusion in Congregations Workshop (zoom)
What to Expect:
This six-session online course is designed for individuals and groups from LGBTQ-welcoming congregations or faith communities who want to deepen their understanding of gender and transgender identities and gain the skills to create truly inclusive and affirming spaces for the full breadth of gender diversity.
Each session features video lectures by Rev. Mykal O’Neal Slack and Zr. Alex Kapitan, along with reflection questions, resources for deeper learning, and a short informal quiz. UUI facilitators will guide participants through the course, fostering discussions and connections as you explore the intersection of trans identity, spirituality, and faith community. Gain the grounding and context to transform yourself and your congregation. Stay tuned and watch for announcements about dates and sign-up times.
Multi-Gen All-Church Read (in person)
Join UUI readers young, old, and in-between for this shared book discussion/event. With the input of our youth, a book will be chosen which all of us will find worth talking about! We will share food, book-themed activities, and perspectives on what we’ve read. If this first multi-gen read is a “hit,” we’ll aim for a once-quarterly read of books selected for different developmental stages.
Pitch-in and Program Sundays (in person and possible zoom)
Plans are in the works for periodic pitch-ins followed by programs of interest to congregants. Possible programs could be documentaries and discussions, special speakers, music concerts, multi-generation craft projects and activities.
Healthy MascUUlinity (AKA DUUDE)
Ready to break free from outdated scripts about masculinity? This zoom program for white, cisgender men will explore how to align your identity, strengths, and passions with your Unitarian Universalist values—building strategies for personal growth and collective liberation. This program will be facilitated by Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson and will include 5 zoom sessions that will take place between April 22-June 3.
For questions about Adult RE, please contact adultre@uui.org.

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