Social Justice Activism
If you would like to be a part of the Social Justice Committee team, please email ministry@uui.org so we can connect you to other team members.
Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations
April 21st at 5pm CT 6pm EST
Virtual & In-Person Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations event led by Unitarian-Universalist Church of Indianapolis, Unitarian-Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign (UUCUC), and Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights! (GRR) Register for Location or Zoom Link: https://forms.gle/MUoqSX5gQTjL36uc6
Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations invite you to share deeply your thoughts and values about abortion access. Having a “heart-to-heart” means listening just as deeply to the thoughts and feelings of others. Dialogue, storytelling, and intentional conversations are powerful tools to organize and strengthen our movement. Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversations are designed to serve as a catalyst to grow your leadership, deepen connections, and make abortion access a reality. By tapping into love and empathy, speaking from our values, and seeking to understand and really hear about others, we will be able to connect and build relationships, even when we don’t agree on everything about abortion.
Spring Cleaning Donation Drive
Please take a moment to view the details of the 2024 Spring Cleaning Donation Drive.
UUI Refugee Resettlement Team
UUI is involved in community efforts to welcome refugees to Indiana. Please contact comms@uui.org for more information.
Welcoming Congregation
the Board of Trustees and the Welcoming Congregation Renewal Team were excited to share that UUI has successfully completed the Five Practices of Welcome Renewal for 2024! This is an important designation that demonstrates the work UUI has been and is continuing to do around welcoming LGBTQ+/TGQNB people.
The 8th Principle of UU
UUI voted to adopt the 8th principle as a congregation: We, the members of UUI, covenant to affirm and promote:
Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.
Boulevard Place Food Pantry
UUI donates year-round to the Boulevard Place Food Pantry. Please click here if you’re able to volunteer during this time. After in-person services resume, donations of non-perishable food items and empty egg cartons may be left in the grocery cart located in the Social Hall and several members and friends volunteer at the pantry on a regular basis.
Faith in Indiana
Faith in Indiana is an interfaith coalition of Indiana congregations working for justice around immigration issues, racial-justice, and economic opportunity/healthcare. UUI has been a part of Faith in Indiana since 2014. Watch the eblast/Facebook/bulletin for meetings of the UUI Faith in Indiana team or for information about Faith in Indiana events in the community. All are welcome. For more information or to join the UUI Faith in Indiana team, please email ministry@uui.org. For more information on Faith in Indiana, see faithinindiana.org.
Share the Plate Program
Each week, through our Share the Plate Program, 50% of the undesignated Sunday offering is given to a community organization.
For a list of past and upcoming Share-the-Plate recipients, please see below.

If you would like to receive information about our upcoming church events at UUI, sign up for our eBlast newsletter!